who will?

Myth-busting common job application misconceptions to amplify your search.

6 Ways Continuous Learning is Essential for Career Growth
Personal Brand, Continuous Learning Nicole Flowers Consulting Personal Brand, Continuous Learning Nicole Flowers Consulting

6 Ways Continuous Learning is Essential for Career Growth

In today’s market, we should always be learning to keep ahead of the curve, especially when we’ve been laid off or are transitioning into a new industry or career. Continuous learning aids in healthy career growth because it ensures adaptability in a rapidly changing landscape, enhances skills and expertise, boosts confidence and professional credibility, provides networking opportunities, solidifies your competitive edge in the market, and fulfills personal goals.

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Is Mentorship All It’s Cracked Up to Be?
Personal Brand, Mentorship Nicole Flowers Consulting Personal Brand, Mentorship Nicole Flowers Consulting

Is Mentorship All It’s Cracked Up to Be?

When you’re going through a career transition or just starting out in the working world and may not know which direction to head, officially enlisting a mentor is one of the best bets you can make on yourself to get where you want to go. After all, we all have blind spots, and we all need to continuously grow to be the best versions of ourselves. Mentors can help get us there.

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Crafting Your Career: A Strategic Guide to Goal Setting
Personal Brand, Goal-setting Nicole Flowers Consulting Personal Brand, Goal-setting Nicole Flowers Consulting

Crafting Your Career: A Strategic Guide to Goal Setting

Goals are so easy to design, think about, and begin. The fact is, though, they’re really hard to pursue, especially when the fun newness wears off, and you’re just in the weeds between not-quite-a-newbie and proficient.

So, why do we do it at all? And, if we’re not going to continue, why begin in the first place?

While goal setting is important for life in general, it's imperative to keep you on track and target during your job search. Thankfully, there are ways to keep you accountable as you go.

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9 Strategies for Shaping Your Personal Brand
Personal Brand Nicole Flowers Consulting Personal Brand Nicole Flowers Consulting

9 Strategies for Shaping Your Personal Brand

There’s been much talk lately about “building a personal brand.” So, what’s the deal? Do you need one? And, if so, why?! I know, the idea feels smarmy a little bit, doesn’t it? But don’t let it be off-putting! Getting your name out there is crucial to a successful job search. Building a solid personal brand is your ticket to set you apart from the crowd. Plain and simple. Here are 6 reasons why you should be developing your personal brand while you job search and 9 strategies to get you there.

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Mastering the Art of Salary Negotiation
Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Negotiation Nicole Flowers Consulting Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Negotiation Nicole Flowers Consulting

Mastering the Art of Salary Negotiation

While we spin our wheels in anticipation of this conversation (and who among us wouldn’t rather do anything else but bring up the idea of money, let alone disagree it may not hit the mark), negotiating your new salary and benefits package is a critical step in ensuring your compensation lines up with your skills, experience, and all around value you’ll bring to any team. Here are your six tips for mastering the art of negotiation.

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A Coach’s Roadmap to Navigating Multiple Offers
Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Multiple Offers Nicole Flowers Consulting Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Multiple Offers Nicole Flowers Consulting

A Coach’s Roadmap to Navigating Multiple Offers

You did it. You rocked the job search and interview process so hard you’ve gone and landed yourself MULTIPLE job offers. I’m proud of you, and, as you should be, I know you’re proud of you, too. Now, you have to make the tough decision of choosing the right opportunity that aligns holistically with your long-term career goals, lifestyle, and values. What do you do?! Well, as a coach, here’s my checklist for how to navigate multiple offers.

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Why Sending Thank You Notes Still Matters
Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Thank You Notes Nicole Flowers Consulting Getting to Offer, The Job Search, Thank You Notes Nicole Flowers Consulting

Why Sending Thank You Notes Still Matters

Like cover letters, thank you notes are a surefire way to set yourself apart in our current market climate, with all that competition swimming around in the deep end. With some heartfelt thought, a few strokes of your keyboard, and a quick click on “send,” you will reinforce your genuine interest in a role, address any lingering concerns and provide clarity, leave a lasting impression, and angle up your networking strategy.

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How to Manage Time and Stay Productive
Getting to Offer, Time Management, Productivity Nicole Flowers Consulting Getting to Offer, Time Management, Productivity Nicole Flowers Consulting

How to Manage Time and Stay Productive

While some of us look for our next opportunity while still in our current role, keeping ourselves on track can be made even harder when we have a fluid schedule and only have a job search to focus on! You can imagine, then, how managing your time effectively is the secret weapon to your strategic (and healthy!) job hunt. Here are 7 ways to keep you on track.

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4 Reasons to Say “Yes” to Informational Interviews
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Informational Interviews Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Informational Interviews Nicole Flowers Consulting

4 Reasons to Say “Yes” to Informational Interviews

I know it can feel daunting and out of character to slide into a stranger’s DMs and ask for a 15-minute conversation about their career portfolio. BUT, when it comes to thinking about what’s next for your career – whether it’s a full transition or you’re looking for that next step – informational interviews can offer you an incredible glimpse into a new career field or what your current role looks like at the next level.

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6 Tips for Building a Community Network
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Networking Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Networking Nicole Flowers Consulting

6 Tips for Building a Community Network

Feeling stumped on how to network effectively? You may need a simple shift of perspective… It’s important to remember: networking is a two-way street, and we should pursue others even when we don’t need anything. What if we shifted our view of networking to something closer to the community building we pursue when we need to build a new ecosystem of support?

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What Makes an Effective Résumé?
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting

What Makes an Effective Résumé?

Looking for a zero-cost way to supercharge your application? I got you. My five must-haves to ensure an effective résumé are formatting, a summary, core skills, professional experience, and education and certification. Read more below to find six additional sections made to keep LinkedIn working for you.

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Book Review: The Elements of Style
Book Review, Résumé Writing, Formatting Nicole Flowers Consulting Book Review, Résumé Writing, Formatting Nicole Flowers Consulting

Book Review: The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style is one of my favorite books, and while it’s categorized in the reference genre, it reads like poetry if you’re into correct word usage and overall stylistic writing. Six key style elements as they pertain to résumé writing are: clarity and simplicity, composition and form, grammar and syntax, unity and coherence, emphasis and conciseness, and punctuation and spelling.

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7 Steps to Navigate a Career Transition
Career Transitions Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions Nicole Flowers Consulting

7 Steps to Navigate a Career Transition

So, you’re ready to leap into a new career. This is equal parts courageous, brave, and scary! Career transitions can be exciting and challenging all at the same time. My 7 suggested next steps for navigating and launching into a new field are to reflect, research, pursue informational interviews, boost necessary skills, update your résumé and LinkedIn, be open, and invest in a coach.

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Q&A: The Job Search
FAQ, The Job Search Nicole Flowers Consulting FAQ, The Job Search Nicole Flowers Consulting

Q&A: The Job Search

Have a question about your job search? Check out these frequently asked questions and linked blog posts covering the full job search lifecycle. From cover letters, résumé must-haves, job search strategies, and applicant tracking systems to networking and interviewing. These answers will offer you guidance and insight!

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Employing a Fool-proof Job Search Strategy
The Job Search Nicole Flowers Consulting The Job Search Nicole Flowers Consulting

Employing a Fool-proof Job Search Strategy

Job searching in a competitive market can be challenging, but you can increase your chances of success with the right mindset and plan. You want to set clear goals, tailor your résumé and cover letter, network, focus on time management, volunteer, and stay positive!

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3 Places and Ways We Give Back
Giving Nicole Flowers Consulting Giving Nicole Flowers Consulting

3 Places and Ways We Give Back

Since linking 3 organizations close to my heart in monthly emails is a bit of a disparate method of getting the word out, I figured having all the deets in one place would be a helpful idea. It turns out, glory be, we have a local, national, and global focus… the chances?! This is how Nicole Flowers Consulting gives back.

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