Ready for change?

So you’re ready for a courageous career transition but haven’t applied for something new (or updated your résumé!) in years. It’s possible you were recently laid off and are back on the job hunt unexpectedly. Maybe your heart is telling you it’s time to get back in the game, or the C Suite is calling your name, but you’re stumped on how to communicate your experiences to show your stellar and applicable qualifications fully.

I’ve been there, and I’m here to help.

Let’s ensure your résumé stands out by making it…

  • The most important thing to show off to recruiters on a résumé is the how behind your work, not just what you did or, (gasp) include a list of responsibilities from your most recent job description.

    Hiring managers want to see results! And most recruiters take less than 10 seconds to review a résumé when it comes across their desk.

    Your bullets will be written in a “thoughtfully concise” way to show off your data-driven impact and how you will positively accelerate teams while getting straight to the point.

  • Due to the sheer number of people looking for new gigs, computer software called Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) are gatekeeping most roles and keeping viable applicants out. This means a human may not be the first to review your résumé!

    Get around the firewall with a résumé designed and optimized to speak the same language as the positions you’re looking to land. Sailing past these robots will get you more face time with the real people making the decisions, and nope, ChatGPT content is not included.

  • Your résumé is your ultimate marketing piece and should highlight your accomplishments clearly so recruiters and hiring managers can easily follow your career story.

    We’ll say buh-bye to the Microsoft Word template you nabbed from your college career center and swap it for a tight, fresh executive template that will sell you at first glance.

  • LinkedIn is where it all begins for most recruiters — we’re talking 87% of ‘em! Ensuring your profile content is complete, well-written, and includes industry-specific keywords is essential to optimizing your profile for search.

    When it comes to LinkedIn’s design, however, this is not the only piece of the puzzle. You’ll receive an in-depth, personalized report on how your profile is performing within LinkedIn’s algorithm, including the most important ways to interact with the platform and get noticed.

Together, we will enhance your clarity, focus, and confidence.

Clarity Coaching

Get crystal clear on what kind of role you want to target next through a series of clarifying conversations. Being clear on your target role, industry, and goals will ensure your résumé is as effective as possible and you’re set up for job search success. We’ll also discuss your current career situation, obstacles you’re encountering in landing a new job (or just figuring out what “next” actually looks like), and how we can overcome those opportunities together.

Interview Coaching

Interview Coaching will prepare you for conversations with recruiters and hiring managers by equipping you with engaging stories to address questions specifically and succinctly. You’ll receive in-the-moment feedback to build your confidence and experience your growth in real-time so you can go into any interview knowing your value proposition and exactly what you bring to the table.

LinkedIn Strategy Coaching

Want to get discovered by more recruiters and hiring managers while you sleep? That’s the beauty and value of having a strategically optimized and complete LinkedIn profile. As your virtual professional storefront, a well-thought-out LinkedIn profile works behind the scenes to boost the likelihood you’ll appear in search results and get you noticed by the right recruiters and hiring managers.

Résumé Writing Packages

Yellow flower with rust center

Introductory Résumé Upgrade


Accomplishments-based, keyword-optimized résumé

Classic résumé template with personal summary

One round of collaborative edits

The Introductory Upgrade is designed for anyone with 0-5 years of professional experience and no more than 3 professional jobs to date.

Orange flower with rust center

Professional Résumé Upgrade


30-minute career and résumé review call

Accomplishments-based, keyword-optimized résumé

Executive résumé template with targeted headline and executive summary ($249 value)

Two rounds of collaborative edits

Customized cover letter template ($199 value)

LinkedIn Profile Optimization Report ($249 value)

Rust flower with yellow center

Professional Résumé Upgrade and Career Coaching

Most popular


30-minute career and résumé review call

Accomplishments-based, keyword-optimized résumé

Executive résumé template with targeted headline and executive summary ($249 value)

Two rounds of collaborative edits

Customized cover letter template ($199 value)

LinkedIn Profile Optimization Report ($249 value)

Two 50-minute Clarity Coaching sessions ($398 value)

30-minute LinkedIn strategy call ($99 value)

All packages can be up-leveled to Executive. Focused on a lengthier résumé to include more years of experience and content, the Executive Résumé Upgrade is best for you if you are in a C-level or executive position — such as Director or above — or would like to keep or include more information from your current résumé. Turnaround time is 14 business days from the initial call.

Ready to get started?

The Professional Résumé Upgrade is ideally for those who:

  • have 5-20 years of professional experience

  • have a good idea of your target next job (or want to get clear about it in Clarity Coaching)

  • have a current résumé (or a LinkedIn profile to jump off)

If you know you’ve got what it takes but don’t know how to move all those good accomplishments from your brain to the paper, your current résumé is old or uses way too many nondescript clichés, or you’re not getting results with the résumé you’ve been using, let’s chat!

Still have questions? Book a free consultation so we can see how to best partner together.

Résumé Refresh


Are you confident in your content but get the hint your current résumé doesn’t hit the mark in conveying an elevated professional brand?

Do you need a new document so you can submit it to a hiring panel or board of directors?

Give your résumé a refresh by swapping out your decades-old template with an up-leveled executive format and summary.


  • Keyword-optimized professional summary

  • Streamlined executive-styled template

  • ATS- and reader-friendly formatting

  • BONUS Job Application Tracker

Résumé & LinkedIn Reviews

Résumé Audit


Do you want to clean up your résumé but don’t need all the bells and whistles of a full Professional Résumé Upgrade?

Nab line-by-line analysis and coaching to support you in tackling necessary improvements to your résumé and increase your chances of being found by recruiters to secure more interviews.


  • Video feedback on how to strategically implement changes to improve impact

  • In-document questions and comments

  • Targeted keyword recommendations

  • Guidance on style and overall design

  • BONUS résumé template for your level

LinkedIn Audit


LinkedIn is where sourcing prime candidates begins for most recruiters — we’re talking 87%! Ensuring your profile content is complete, well-written, and includes industry-specific keywords is essential to optimizing your profile for search.

Elevate your online career story with the right messaging to ensure it’s working behind the scenes to sell your skills and experience.


  • LinkedIn Profile Optimization Report

  • Targeted next steps on how to interact with the platform and get noticed

  • Video feedback on your current profile aligned to the jobs you’re looking to land

Girl laughing in front of a computer in a conference room

“The résumé you wrote for me landed me

an amazing new job!

I'm taking the next big step in my career and you

were absolutely instrumental in that. I cannot thank you enough.”


What Others Are Saying

“I'm an executive trying to move over to a new capability and Nicole had the experience to know this was a very good bet and the clarity and discipline to review my already jam-packed résumé. What came back? A total head-turner. I was downright shocked at how much it nailed the mark.”

— Cheryl, People Leader

"Nicole is fabulous to work with! She listened to my concerns, reviewed my résumé and LinkedIn profile before we even talked, and then provided me with a résumé that had a lot of accomplishments and could pass the ATS. We all need some help occasionally, and I highly recommend giving it a try."

— Holly, Marketing Consultant

"I wanted to share with you what has never happened to me before when using LinkedIn. The minute you sent me back my résumé I did what you said... That very same week I had 2 companies reach out and interview me and one of them looks like it may be a great fit. Thank you for your help!"

— Benyamin, Client Relations

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