Hey there, I’m Nicole.

Job hunting is tough, and even just looking for that next perfect role can be discouraging and nerve-wracking. You want to get face time with the right hiring managers and recruiters, but how do you know the right ones? Which are the right industries, companies, and roles? How do you know what comes next?

Once you get clarity around your values and goals, how do you communicate everything you’ve done throughout your stellar career on a one- to two-page document? What stays? What goes? When do you customize? And what about applicable keywords? This résumé is supposed to sell you!

But it’s not doing the trick…

Talking about ourselves and acknowledging our accomplishments can be difficult. It’s even harder when we’re trying to figure out the best way to get it from our heads onto the paper. You know you’ve done good work (and you have!) but don’t know how to capture and communicate it well so a hiring manager or recruiter will take notice.

As women, loading our professional toolkits with resources to unlock our untapped skills and move toward the life we imagined can be scary and feel risky. You are not alone, and it’s completely normal to feel this way!

That’s where I come in to remind you how wonderful you are, highlight the skills you bring to the table, and craft a keyword-targeted résumé to get you into the role of your dreams.

I love telling great stories about great people.

Let’s tell yours.

For 15 years, I worked in Talent Development within the tech space. I started my career in Sales and Marketing training, moved into C-Level presentation design and communication strategy, and landed a dream job as a hiring manager at Facebook (now Meta), operationalizing internal learning globally.

After a stint developing onboarding and interviewing programs for the Product team at Airbnb, I spearheaded coaching, leadership development, and manager effectiveness program creation in the start-up world.

Here’s the tea: I’ve been through layoffs, been fired (yikes!), and have worked with challenging people. I also know what it’s like to reenter the working world after deliberate time away.

No two stories are the same, each is valuable, and one is not more “appropriate” than another. Some of us have climbed straight up a ladder, while others have taken a more nuanced approach to our career journey. My aim is to take all of my experiences — from Big Tech to solopreneurship — and set you up for success in the next right professional step for YOU.

Want a second opinion? I get it, and I’m not offended. Don’t just take my word for it! I’ve landed some pretty stellar and happy customers along the way.

Find me on LinkedIn, and let’s connect, or, better yet, let’s work together!

Here’s to your success!

Beyond the office

This girl loves to travel. I have made it to all 50 states and 70 countries across 7 continents due to some grit, goals, and mighty long bucket lists. I travel so I can see the world differently, myself differently, and gain perspectives I’d never had if I’d stayed stagnant in my San Francisco fourth-floor walk-up. I’ve traveled much of the world solo, pushing myself to build resilience, fortitude, and courage while learning the difference between being alone and lonely.

I have a passion for building and facilitating a sense of belonging in all facets of life, from visiting with my homeless neighbors in San Francisco to advocating for life for those incarcerated on death row. The latter shows up in the work of Advancing Real Change (ARC), Inc. where I currently serve as Vice President of the Board of Directors.