who will?

Myth-busting common job application misconceptions to amplify your search.

4 Reasons to Say “Yes” to Informational Interviews
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Informational Interviews Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Informational Interviews Nicole Flowers Consulting

4 Reasons to Say “Yes” to Informational Interviews

I know it can feel daunting and out of character to slide into a stranger’s DMs and ask for a 15-minute conversation about their career portfolio. BUT, when it comes to thinking about what’s next for your career – whether it’s a full transition or you’re looking for that next step – informational interviews can offer you an incredible glimpse into a new career field or what your current role looks like at the next level.

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6 Tips for Building a Community Network
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Networking Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Networking Nicole Flowers Consulting

6 Tips for Building a Community Network

Feeling stumped on how to network effectively? You may need a simple shift of perspective… It’s important to remember: networking is a two-way street, and we should pursue others even when we don’t need anything. What if we shifted our view of networking to something closer to the community building we pursue when we need to build a new ecosystem of support?

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What Makes an Effective Résumé?
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting

What Makes an Effective Résumé?

Looking for a zero-cost way to supercharge your application? I got you. My five must-haves to ensure an effective résumé are formatting, a summary, core skills, professional experience, and education and certification. Read more below to find six additional sections made to keep LinkedIn working for you.

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7 Steps to Navigate a Career Transition
Career Transitions Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions Nicole Flowers Consulting

7 Steps to Navigate a Career Transition

So, you’re ready to leap into a new career. This is equal parts courageous, brave, and scary! Career transitions can be exciting and challenging all at the same time. My 7 suggested next steps for navigating and launching into a new field are to reflect, research, pursue informational interviews, boost necessary skills, update your résumé and LinkedIn, be open, and invest in a coach.

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