who will?

Myth-busting common job application misconceptions to amplify your search.

What Makes an Effective Résumé?
Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting Career Transitions, The Job Search, Résumé Writing, FAQ Nicole Flowers Consulting

What Makes an Effective Résumé?

Looking for a zero-cost way to supercharge your application? I got you. My five must-haves to ensure an effective résumé are formatting, a summary, core skills, professional experience, and education and certification. Read more below to find six additional sections made to keep LinkedIn working for you.

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Book Review: The Elements of Style
Book Review, Résumé Writing, Formatting Nicole Flowers Consulting Book Review, Résumé Writing, Formatting Nicole Flowers Consulting

Book Review: The Elements of Style

The Elements of Style is one of my favorite books, and while it’s categorized in the reference genre, it reads like poetry if you’re into correct word usage and overall stylistic writing. Six key style elements as they pertain to résumé writing are: clarity and simplicity, composition and form, grammar and syntax, unity and coherence, emphasis and conciseness, and punctuation and spelling.

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Remind me… What’s an ATS?
Résumé Writing, Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Nicole Flowers Consulting Résumé Writing, Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Nicole Flowers Consulting

Remind me… What’s an ATS?

Question for you: Have you ever felt off about an application? Maybe you’ve applied for a role you feel perfectly aligned to and 15 minutes later you receive the automated “thanks but no thanks” email? Yeah, we’ve all been there. Why does this happen, you may ask? Well, the answer is pretty simple: your résumé isn’t speaking the same language as the job description.

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