3 Excuse-proof Reasons to Hire a Résumé Writer

Girl looking at a computer on a yellow couch

“Why should I hire a résumé writer?”

is a question I hear a lot… Well, it’s not usually in the form of a question, to be honest. Most people tell me they’re completely fine with their résumés as they are, and hiring a consultant is “just not for them,”; so much so it’s in my Résumé Services FAQ.

While I get the mindset around it, I have to be brutally honest with you. You’re good at so many things! My hunch, though, is you’re not so good at résumé writing. I know, I know. But truthfully, have you peeked at LinkedIn lately? There’s a whole industry around it! I validate your preferences and opinion, but taking a stab at your résumé really should be handled by a professional. Here are…

3 Excuse-proof Reasons to Hire a Résumé Writer

1) Your Focus Is Better Spent Elsewhere

When we’re ready to move positions, we spend so much tiiiiiiiime thinking about the move. Is it the right thing? Should you leave the company you’re at? You make such good money! It’s ok the culture and values don’t align with yours; you need the paycheck. And the hours? No big deal, you’re bored so much! Or overworked so much! Isn’t this how it’s supposed to be? You haven’t had to apply for a role in years! You’ve been happily referred to your last 13 positions, and you’re happy as a clam about it. After all, who said you were supposed to love what you do? Who said you should love where you work? The last time, when you copied and pasted your job description into your most recent résumé? It landed you this role, so you’re all good.

I’m sure you get the picture. Looking for a new job, and even starting to think about looking for a new job, is a vast undertaking, which is why I am so proud of my clients when they come to me. They realize there’s something better for them and are ready to find it. I believe the same about you (or I don’t think you’d be reading this post… I’m so glad you’re here, BTW!).

It’s no secret you have a lot going on, from family and friends to badminton and thinking about walking today. You’re swamped. And it would be best if you weren’t thinking of — and putting off — writing your résumé. Get these numbers from Gallup’s 2023 State of the Global Workplace report:

59% of people reported being emotionally detached at work and are quiet quitting, while 18% are actively and loudly quitting. Only 23% reported feeling fully engaged; in the U.S. specifically, 52% of workers reported feeling stressed at their jobs daily, and 18% feel angry.

Want to know about the competition in the job market? 71% of employees say now is the optimum time to find a job, and 47% intend to leave their roles.

Staggering! I don’t want you to be angry!

My recommendation (and this is the coach in me coming out) is to stop focusing and start actioning. So often, our dreams are delayed for simple things like thinking we can do something and never getting around to it. Trust me, I know. I’ve been “learning Italian” for going on 20 years. But this is not that! YOU have the agency to stop thinking about something new — mainly being happy… novel! — and getting this off your mind plate. Wouldn’t you prefer to think about what’s on the menu for dinner? Or where you’re going for your next long weekend?

Le sigh.

2) Your Time is Valuable

I'd like you to join me in an exercise: inventory how much time it would take you to narrate your career story well (but concisely!) bullet by bullet so hiring managers and recruiters take notice and can fully imagine you in their fold. You can’t give too much information because it’s overwhelming, but not enough won’t capture your true worth. How are you communicating your professional value on your résumé? Do you have the data points people love to see? How are you sharing your impact if you want to move to the next level? Finally, do you know exactly what keywords to use to get you past the applicant tracking systems (ATS)?

Now, I’m that girl who did all the résumé writing research before landing my Facebook job but… remember… I’m now a résumé writer. I like the strategic thinking of it! It took a very long time. I mean, weeks. While writing may be up your alley, do you know which things you should keep and which you should ditch on your document? It’s tough to make those decisions for ourselves without guidance. We spend time reading articles and deep-diving job descriptions, and then, when we finally get to our résumé, we realize writing it is much more complex than we planned… and we’re back to square one after investing all of the time into doing it on our own.

Remember, your time is your most limited resource and extremely valuable.

What are these hours worth to you?

3) You, My Dear, Are Worth It

I want to repeat that, once more, for the people in the back: YOU are worth it. Yep. No matter your age or stage, you’re worth investing in yourself and your goals. I’d go so far as to say you owe it to yourself.

Look, I get how a friend who said they’d “review your résumé” took a stab at giving you feedback. That is extraordinarily kind of them in a world where our time is limited. Still, I firmly believe you can’t put a price tag on your confidence… and that’s what hiring a résumé writer provides (as noted in many of my testimonials).

It’s hard for friends to give us constructive feedback on personal things… like a new shade of lipstick that may or may not make it look like your lips are bleeding or the bell bottoms you’ve just resurrected instead of just buying a new pair or… a résumé. It’s possible the whole document needs an overall, and then, after they tell you (if they do), where do you go from there? Maybe they’ve given you some solid ways to up-level it, but you don’t know the first thing about implementing them into the résumé itself. Wouldn’t you prefer to have someone with a professional eye take a look and walk through a painless process to get to the heart of your great experiences and accomplishments?

And finally, on the topic of pricing… Many of my clients who believe it’s an investment in their future also tell me they’ve tried hiring a writer in the past and didn’t get much traction or have much success. They’re usually coming to me because they’ve been disappointed. So not only are they investing in my service, but now they’re out the money they paid in the first go-round… which honestly stinks.

While I want to keep the price approachable, I also want to be clear: this is an investment in you! So, my honest take on pricing is to not spend upwards of $1K (and good heavens, not $5K) but do invest in an experienced writer (one you know upfront, not one being “paired with you’”) so the money spent is only spent one time. Like a perfect pair of jeans, who wants to keep buying the cheap stuff once a year? Spend a little more now to get the best the first time around.

Need to talk it through? Let’s. Book a free consult so I can walk you through the process. Or, if you’re ready to discover a better life meant for you, click the button below 👇🏽 and let’s get started.

Here’s to you,

🥂 nicole:)


Remind me… What’s an ATS?