The Winning Combo of Coaching and Professional Résumé Writing

Every so often, we find ourselves in a rut. It could be working out (in my case, walking daily), playing an instrument, or learning a language. We just hit a wall.

The fun part has turned into the hard part, and we’ve lost interest.

Or, we’ve become passive about moving the needle forward.

And what about when we feel stagnant in our careers? Have you felt this way? Maybe you’re going through a career transition and wondering what’s next. If so, you’re not alone - many of us reach a crossroads where we crave guidance and clarity to navigate what might be next or how to land our dream job.

This is the perfect time to put some serious thought into investing in coaching and a professional résumé overhaul.

Here’s why I believe in the power of this self-development one-two punch for long-term career growth and development:

The Benefit of Hiring a Coach

A survey by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) found that 70% of individuals who partnered with a career coach reported improved work performance, communication skills, and work-life balance. Additionally, 80% of clients reported increased self-confidence, enabling them to pursue higher-level positions and confidently explore new career paths.

The Benefit of Hiring a Résumé Writer

According to a study by TopResume, job seekers who used professional résumé writing services received 2.3 times more interview requests compared to those who crafted their résumés independently. That’s double time! ✌🏽 Two times!

Coaching provides clarity through self-discovery and support during life’s transition moments, while a professional résumé upgrade will showcase your accomplishments.

Let’s break the benefits down even further:

  • Self-Discovery & Clarity

    A coach provides a structured approach to self-discovery, while a résumé writer captures your skills and accomplishments most effectively. Through our Clarity Coaching conversations, I hope to help you uncover your values, passions, and strengths to help you determine what comes next. Meanwhile, as we upgrade your résumé, I can ensure it reflects your unique qualities and highlights your potential for future employers.

  • Career Transition & Support

    Transitioning into a new career can be intimidating, but the process becomes smoother with the support of a coach and a professionally written résumé. During our Clarity Coaching sessions, I can offer guidance on skill development, networking strategies, and job search techniques; the résumé upgrade will showcase your transferable skills and experiences, increasing your chances of a successful transition. To top it off, we can even hone your personal brand messaging interview skills.

  • Navigating Career Challenges

    Career coaches are equipped to assist you in overcoming obstacles that may arise in your professional life. Whether handling workplace conflicts or building leadership skills, a coach offers valuable insights to help you thrive. Meanwhile, a well-crafted résumé can help mitigate concerns and showcase your ability to handle challenges effectively.

Are you at a career crossroads and need to talk it through? Maybe you’re in clarity mode and want to toss ideas around with a thought partner. Let’s. Book a free consult so I can walk you through the process.

If you’re ready to discover a better life meant for you, click the button below 👇🏽 and let’s get started.

Here’s to you,

🥂 nicole:)


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