Crafting Your Career: A Strategic Guide to Goal Setting

Blank notepad on white desk with gold scissors and large gold paper clips

“The road to hell is paved with good intentions.”

The first (and only!) time I read this quote was from a fortune cookie. And I plastered it (well, I stuck it with a magnet) onto my refrigerator… where it hung for maybe 12 years. (Also, maybe not… but a long time!)

“This time next year, you’ll be glad you started today!”

When my Google Home recites this to me each night before sleep and in the morning as I get up, I’m reminded of the goals I’ve set for myself and the impact they’ll have today, tomorrow, and next year as I continue pursuing them.

Yes, these are two of my favorite mantras.

Goals are so easy to design, think about, and begin. Amiright?

Come January 1, get out the notepads, highlighters, and post-its… It’s time to vision board! The fact is, though, they’re hard to pursue, especially when the fun newness wears off and you’re just in the weeds between not-quite-a-newbie and proficient.

The months pass.

Only 9% of people actually follow through on New Year’s resolutions. 80% are forgotten by mid-winter, and about 23% of adults quit the first week of the year. The first week!

Mantras be damned.

So, why do we do it at all? And, if we’re not going to continue, why begin in the first place?

While goal setting is important for life in general, keeping you on track and on target during your job search is imperative. Thankfully, there are ways to keep you accountable as you go. You want to be intentional and strategic about where you put your time and energy because, as hard as it is to hear, seeking out the perfect opportunity and fit may take some time.

Knowing where you want to go and how to get there will make the journey smoother and the destination (hopefully) perfectly aligned with you!

Need a little guidance on where to start? Try out these:

8 steps to setting strategic job search goals you can stick to:

Self-reflect and assess

Where do your strengths, passions, and weaknesses lie? Seek input from mentors and colleagues (yes, I’m telling you to solicit feedback!). Understanding who you are and what you want lays a solid foundation for meaningful career goals.

Define clear and specific goals.

SMART, as it were: Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Clarity is key here. You want to define your goals intentionally and precisely, breaking them into manageable tasks. Assign realistic timelines to each milestone, providing a roadmap for your journey. I love this approach because it tells you where to focus and ensures a sense of accomplishment each step of the way!

Align those goals with your values.

How are you harmonizing your goals with the values exercise you did when assessing your strengths and passions? Make sure they fit with your broader mission and that of a company you’re looking to work for. This ideal alignment marries your purpose and direction, making the journey more fulfilling!

Create an actionable plan.

Not just a plan, an actionable plan. Outline each of the steps needed to achieve your goals. Take it line by line, and don’t rush yourself; be flexible and ready to adapt as circumstances change. Track your progress - like a good PM would - and make adjustments as you move forward.

Balance short-term and long-term goals.

We can get overwhelmed when we compare our beginning to someone else’s middle… or even our own! There are things we can scratch off the list in the short term and other things we’re in for the long game. Prioritize each goal based on urgency and impact, then let the rest go as needed.

This will ultimately help with your work/life integration!

Celebrate your wins!

This one can be tough, especially for us ladies. Acknowledge when you hit a milestone, no matter how big or small! Treat yourself to a cup of coffee or an extra hour of downtime. You put in the work to get there; a big part of getting to the goal is celebrating it.

Review and adjust weekly and monthly.

This one I learned from Michael Hyatt. I mark my goals and each milestone needed to achieve them on my calendar. That way, I can be reminded often (because I live in and for my Gcal) and have self-awareness around my progress. When needed, which is often, I give myself the grace to adjust.

Stay true to you.

No matter what anyone says, to be successful, you have to be committed. Stay dedicated to your goals, even when it’s hard, and you simply don’t want to do it anymore.

Above all else, stay true to yourself, what you want, and what’s needed to get you there. Authenticity is a magnet for attracting opportunities that resonate with your genuine goals.

Finally, don’t give up!

While goals can be firm from the outset, job searching is dynamic and evolving. You’ll learn more about yourself along the way and will need to embrace change, stay resilient when it gets tough, and continually refine your path as you grow.

The perfect opportunity is out there, and while it may take a minute to find, being strategic about your goal-setting and committed to self-discovery, you’ll navigate your career journey with confidence and purpose.

A survey by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) found that 70% of individuals who partnered with a career coach reported improved work performance, communication skills, and work-life balance. Additionally, 80% of clients reported increased self-confidence, enabling them to pursue higher-level positions and confidently explore new career paths.

Do you need an accountability partner to define solid and strategic job search goals?

If so, I’m your girl. Book a free consult, and we can talk about how we can best partner together to uplevel your career.

If you’re ready to discover a better life meant for you, click the button below 👇🏽 and let’s get started.

Cheering you on!

🥂 nicole:)


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