Your best life is calling.

Are you ready?

This life takes active participation, and to achieve all you should be getting out of it, you need to be all in. Is now the time for a career change? Is this the moment for you to listen to the voice inside your head saying, “There’s more for me out there.”?

Résumé Writing

Talking about ourselves and acknowledging our accomplishments can be hard. It’s even trickier when we’re trying to figure out the best way to get it from our heads onto the paper. You know you’ve done good work (and you have!) but don’t know how to capture and communicate it well so a hiring manager or recruiter will take notice. You are not alone, and it’s completely normal to feel this way!

That’s where I come in to remind you how wonderful you are, highlight the skills you bring to the table, and craft a keyword-targeted résumé to get you into the role of your dreams.

Career Coaching

Need a dream partner? Working one-on-one with a coach puts a cheerleader in your corner focused on discovering the values that make you uniquely you, identifying the voices blocking your growth, and creating an individualized vision for a passionate and compelling future.

Together, we uncover your personal and professional goals to bring those passions and dreams to light. Then, we create an actionable plan to achieve those goals and journey together to meet them.

Hi, I’m Nicole.

I’m an experienced trainer, coach, and entrepreneur with a passion for blue-sky thinking, dreaming big dreams, and making those thoughts and dreams a reality.

The pursuit of deep, authentic connection rooted in purpose drives my work and ultimate desire to connect clients to the lives meant for them, whether through coaching or résumé support.