Nicole Flowers Consulting, Résumé Writing & Career Coaching

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Why Sending Thank You Notes Still Matters

tl;dr: The answer is “Yes.”

Should you still be sending thank you notes after every interview? Yes.

Does anyone even read ‘em anymore? Yes.

Should you continue sending even when the hiring manager or recruiter fails to reply? While that is rude, the answer is still, yes.

Like cover letters, thank you notes are a surefire way to set yourself apart in our current market climate, with all that competition swimming around in the deep end.

Just think, your talent got you in the door for a phone screen or interview. Meaning, the team has already earmarked you and thinks you have the know-how to nail the position. Score!

“Ok, Nicole, you know job searching is already time-consuming and rigorous. WHY the extra step?!”

Here’s the WIIFM:

with some heartfelt thought, a few strokes of your keyboard, and a quick click on “send,” you will:

Reinforce your genuine interest

You know it, and I know it: sending a thank you note underscores your genuine interest in a position. Or, at least, it should. (wink) Don’t miss the opportunity to sell not only all the great quality you’d bring to the table but also showcase your appreciation for the opportunity one more time!

Address any lingering concerns and provide clarity

Did something in the interview pique your interest, or was there a place you didn’t feel super confident? Address it in your thank you note! Providing additional context shows your attention to detail and commitment to transparent communication. Didn’t know something but did your due diligence to follow up on it and share? This former hiring manager would give you huge ups for that.

Leave a lasting impression

Do you and one of your interviewers have an adoration for corgis? Do you both love indoor rock climbing? Or maybe you and one of your potential teammates grew up in a city near your hometown. Remind them! Remember, you’ll be working with each other, and people like to work with people they like. A thoughtful thank you note can leave a lasting impression because it’s a personal touch to humanize you as a candidate and emphasize your gratitude for the time and effort invested by the interview loop.

Angle up your networking strategy

Sooooo, say you don’t get the job. Well, taking time to express gratitude is a powerful networking strategy, too! Even if a job opportunity doesn't work out, the positive impression you leave can actually lead to future opportunities. Your interviewers won’t stay stagnant and who knows where these connections may lead somewhere down the road…

Remember, it's not just about landing the job; it's about cultivating and fostering connections that can shape the next chapter of your career story.

Sending thank you notes after each job interview (yes, everyone should get one, not just the decision makers!) is a simple yet impactful practice that should not be overlooked. It’s a tangible expression of your professionalism and shows your enthusiasm and appreciation for the opportunity.

And guess what? I’m thankful for you!

🥂 nicole:)